Fruit of the Holy Spirit vs. the spirit of death

Holy spirit vs spirit of death.jpeg

This comparative chart is intended as inspiration for prayer, not a guide for introspection. After reviewing it, you can bring issues that emerge to God in prayer.

Holy Spirit spirit of death
Truth Lies (or the truth distorted)
Worship Introspection
Freedom, self control compulsion, bondage
Balanced View Distorted View
Fruitful, expectations often realized Unfruitful, expectations cut off
Able to make plans and follow through Difficulty making and completing plans
Dreams often fulfilled Dreams often unfulfilled or perceived
to be unfulfilled
Able to cope with frustration and disappointment Expects frustration and disappointment
Embraces life, while aware death exists Fantasizes about death, dying or suicide,
while a vibrant life seems illusive and far off
Able to look health issues objectively and with faith Talks about, expects and experiences ill health
Hope Despair, hopelessness
Compassion Narcissism
Joy Depression
Wholesome sense of humor Self-deprecation, cynicism, dark humor
Mind is clear Thoughts and reality seem foggy and gray
Lives in present, while having objectivity
about the past and hope for the future
Lives in past and future, memory is
skewed towards negative events
Victorious through Christ and the cross Victim of fate, others actions
Christ conscious, serving others as God directs Self absorbed, sometimes codependent
Knows acceptance & worth, valued
because of God's love
Feels rejected and worthless, valued
because of what one does or has
Experiences a range of emotions
from sadness to joy
Experiences more negative emotion, sadness,
depression, abandonment, helplessness,
hopelessness, self-hatred
Accepts their own failures and others,
without condemnation
Perfectionistic and judgemental, finds
forgiving themselves and others difficult
Able to maintain intimate relationships Finds intimacy illusive
Focused on things that are though
Christ & community
Actively exercising will to rest
in Christ
Passive, damaged will
Takes responsibility for mistakes,
but doesn't get stuck there
Blames self and others for situations
and returns offenses and

Your life and actions may be primarily or totally whole, healthy and life-centered in one area and shadowed by death in another. Invite the Lord to continue doing a restorative (sanctifying) work in you as He wills and you are willing.